Lives of Saints and Blesseds

October 13
Bl. Peter Adrian Toulorge, Martyr, * May 4, 1757, † October 13, 1793

Born in Muneville-le-Bingard (Normandy), the diocesan priest Peter-Adrian Toulorge was vicar of Doville in December 1782. There he experienced the great zeal of his Premonstratensian pastor, Jacques-François Le Canut, with whom he was frequently a guest in the Premonstratensian Abbey of Blanchelande. Peter-Adrian joined the abbey, inspired by the ideal of St. Norbert. After the Civil Constitution for the Clergy was passed, the canon served in the surrounding parishes. When he heard about the law of August 26, 1792, whereby all priests who practiced their ministry publicly and had not taken the oath to the revolutionary government were condemned to deportation, he thought that this applied to him and decided to leave for the English Isle of Jersey. While there, he realized his error, returned at the first opportunity and continued to practice his ministry in secret. In September 1793 he was arrested and convicted. The Tribunal was convinced of his short stay in Jersey, but had no proof for this. After some hesitation he decided to tell the whole truth, in spite of the danger to his life – he knew that basically he was being persecuted as a Catholic priest. The night before his death he wrote three impressive letters; one ended with the words: “I wish you God’s blessing, on the evening before my martyrdom.” Peter-Adrian Toulorge died on October 13, 1793 in Coutances by the guillotine and was shortly thereafter honored as a “Martyr of the Truth”.

Relics: none available
Beatification: April 29, 2012 by Benedict XVI.
Representation: as a Premonstratensian, with guillotine and Gospel Book.