Liturgical Aids for the Memorial of Saint Godfrey

The veneration of Saint Godfrey

Along with the Norbertine Order and the dioceses of Mainz and Münster (each with its proper Mass and Office of the saint) St. Godfrey is especially remembered at Cappenberg (on Jan. 13) and Ilbenstadt (Jan. 16 and the first weekend of September). Over time numerous prayers, songs and litanies have grown up in the context of the various religious services and candlelight processions with his relics, in which St. Godfrey is praised as “Heavenly Patron of the Cappenberg Community, The Jewel of the Münster Region, The True Disciple of Jesus Christ, The Faithful Servant of Mary, The Chosen Disciple of St. Norbert and the Great Friend of God.” The texts of some of the surviving pilgrimage hymns are reproduced on the German page.

The relics of St. Godfrey rest in the former abbey churches of Cappenberg (Germany) and Ilbendstadt (Germany). In this regard, see Number 17(2001) of the publication “Communicantes” (143 pages, available on order from the postulator), in which can be found, together with a life of Godfrey, articles concerning the recognition of his relics and iconography, liturgical texts, some recent sermons, as well as numerous bibliographical references. Historical questions relating to St. Godfrey can be referred to Dr. Ingrid Ehlers-Kisseler.

Ilbenstadt 2006