Liturgical Aids for the Memorial of Saint Frederick
Suggestions for intercessions:
With confident trust in the intercession of the Mother of God, whom St. Frederick
of Mariengaarde honored so greatly, let us cry out on his feastday to the Lord
our God:
- We pray for all those who are made deaf to the Word of Life by the grind
of their everyday lives. Touch them with Your Spirit and open their hearts
to Your Word.
- We pray for all those who, like St. Frederick, proclaim your Gospel. Give
them the strength to bear witness to their words by the way they live their
- We pray for all the monasteries and convents of our Order. May they become
places where people are touched by the faith of others in such a way that
they can more securely come to know both God and themselves.
- We pray for all those who carry needs and burdens in their hearts. Touch
their concerns and let there be healing wherever there is anxiety and fear.
- Remember all those whom You have placed at the head of religious communities.
Grant them the gift of an open ear for You and for those entrusted to their
- Bless all those like St. Frederick who long to inspire young people to follow
You. Give each of them the courage to become disciples who put their hand
to the plough and do not look back.
- Send Your Spirit of Wisdom to all those who are studying the Sacred Scripture.
May they come to know its treasures ever more deeply.
- Look upon all who suffer need or who are on the verge of a new beginning.
Be their Companion all the days of their lives.
- Be gracious to our deceased loved ones and call them to the banquet table
of eternal life.
In quiet prayer St. Frederick found You, O gracious God, in spite of his many
duties. We too lift up our hearts in the same spirit and praise You through
Your Son, Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.