Prayers answered

Prayers answered, to Blessed Hroznata

32 documented letters have been received from the friends of Blessed Hroznata which describe the many favors and graces received: Some of these letters give impressive reports concerning various illnesses (a successful operation, a rapid healing, the overcoming of a psychological crisis), concrete help received in the duties of daily life and in pressing family problems, and help concerning material needs, as well as graces received concerning work, overcoming alcohol addiction, and recovery of stolen goods. With the help of Hroznata a family found a boy who had disappeared. In addition, pilgrims bear witness to jobs found and successful ventures, of happy births, of a religious vocation and the reconciliation of a family – even victory in a race and a win in the lottery which made possible the purchase of a new furnace. One can sense a great confidence in the intercession of Bl. Hroznata in a variety of circumstances in life. A detailed overall view of the answered prayers can be found on the German page.